The agenda for Christmas day on the island of Tonga, South Pacific, is simple; It's a day dedicated to making the children happy. Other than that, it's a summer day like any other in the South Pacific- hot, sticky, and painstakingly slow. Pictured in this photo is another volunteer who serves on the small outer-island of 'Eua with me, Sami, and my two neighbors Latu (in the middle, age 7) and Tevita (on the far right, age 4.) Christmas day is just as hot as any other, and yet to the local kids, it's one of the most refreshing days; because it's the only day of the year they are free of all of their grown-up responsibilities. We spent the afternoon at their house where balloons were blown up, ice-cream was eaten, homemade kites were flown outside, and it ended at the wharf when the sun was setting, the kite strings were tangled, ice-cream dripping down Latu and Tevita's faces- not a care in the world.