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Dimensions2000 x 1581
Original file size1.67 MB
Image typeJPEG


This photo was taken by fellow volunteer Goodloe Harman at my SPA project event, the Lagodekhi Cup for Health - a volleyball tournament for girls and a soccer tournament for boys - in the Republic of Georgia, Lagodekhi. My 10th grade students created the project, wrote the SPA application with me, and took responsibility for the execution of the entire project. They created it with the goal of promoting health to their peers in the greater Lagodekhi Region. In addition to youth development, volunteerism, and health promotion, one of the main themes of this tournament was gender equality as sports are almost always promoted to boys in Georgia. The girls pictured were eager to play and even though their first time playing was at the practice the day before, they fought hard in the game and vowed to play sports more often in their daily lives in the future.